Tuesday, November 10, 2009

U of U Football!

Despite my parents hesitation, we took Jaylee to her first Utah football game on 11/7. Utah played New Mexico, and they slaughtered them 45 - 7. Jaylee loved looking around at everyone, and instead of the noise upsetting her, she seemed very interested by it. At one point she even fell asleep for about 1/2 hour. We stayed until there was about 9 minutes left in the 4th quarter, and she didn't fuss once. She will be a true Ute fan, I can just tell!

Pictures to come...


I had my heart set on Jaylee being the cutest ladybug, but the costume I bought was a 6-9 mo and was way too big. I looked for over a month to exchange, or even buy a 3-6 mo, but it must have been a popular costume because I never found one. Luckily I found a second best costume at the Children's Place and she was a chubby little pink monster. She didn't mind the body part of the costume, but she did not like the head piece! I don't really blame her, it didn't look very comfortable.

She was a trooper as we went from day care, to Grandma's, and finally to my work to show her off on the 30th. By Halloween day, I think she had had enough. We dressed her up at our bowling league, but the costume only stayed on for about 15 minutes. Hopefully next year she'll appreciate the reason for dressing up a little more. Kind of a bummer when you don't even get any candy for it!

Pictures to come...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Brandon's B-day 2

Just a few pictures from Brandon's birthday dinner at Red Lobster with Joe, Rosalita, Devyn, Darlene, and John.
Jaylee and Papa John

Jaylee and Papa Joe

Brandon and his mini me, Jordon

Brandon, Papa Joe, Jordon, Devyn and Jaylee

Jaylee, me and Darlene

Brandon's Birthday

We went up to the Canyons for a night to celebrate Brandon's birthday about a week early. They had a free concert, so we sat out and enjoyed the beautiful weather and the music. Jaylee did pretty good, and even took a little nap during the festivities. I love getting away, even though we weren't very far away.

I love my hubby!

My precious, sleepy baby girl!

How funny and cute is that face!

Daddy and Jaylee...I guess his thumb taste pretty
good. I'll take her word for it!

Jaylee's Blessing

So it has been almost a month ago, but we had my dad give Jaylee a blessing on 8/30. It was a beautiful blessing, and the cutest part was when my dad started the blessing, Jaylee looked up at him and give him a huge grin. She wiggled a lot, but surprisingly didn't fuss at all. She looked absolutely gorgeous in her long white dress!

She's already learning how to pose!

Cute family picture. Unfortunately Jordon
wasn't there because his brother Ty was
coming home that day.
Daddy and Jaylee
After the blessing, she was playing on her
mat and Grandma got some smiles out of her

Thursday, August 20, 2009

This is the picture I blogged about a couple of days ago. Jaylee and Zachary holding hands...too cute!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Another first!

Jaylee was laying on her play mat last night just staring at the hanging toys, as usual. After about 20 minutes of looking at all of them, she started staring very intensely at the one in the middle that plays music when you pull on it. She then started batting at it with her fist. After a couple tries that way, she started batting at it with her hand open. Finally, after about 5 minutes of trying, she successfully grabbed on and was able to hold on long enough to pull on it and make the music try. She seemed proud of herself, but from the excitement it got out of me, you would have thought she just won a gold medal in the Olympics. It's amazing how the little things get you all riled up when you're a parent! She was able to grab on a couple more times before she started getting fussy and gave up. Unfortunately I was so excited just watching that by the time I got my camera, she was done trying, so this is the only picture I got.